Breast Implants Exchange / Explant Plastic Surgeon NYC

Dr. Matthew Delmauro in collaboration with Plastic Surgery Institute of New York is proud to announce that due to his impressive credentials and expertise in breast implant exchanges (explant surgery) he has been selected as the only plastic surgeon in the Northeast currently enrolling participants on behalf of Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) for a GalaFLEX LITE™ Scaffold Study.

Please note: This is a investigational device trial looking for women 22 – 66 interested in a breast implant exchange due to diagnosed capsular contracture or symptoms of capsular contracture. If you are unsure if you have capsular contracture we can diagnosis for you.


  • You will not have to pay for the treatment of your capsular contracture
  • You will not pay operating room fees or anesthesia fees related to your capsular contracture
  • Compensation will be offered
  • The NYC plastic surgeon will remove your current breast implant(s) and replace your breast implants with breast implants that you choose under the guidance of the plastic surgeon
  • This procedure includes removal of the breast implant(s), total capsulectomy (on affected side(s)), and placement of new implant(s) (with or without the GalaFLEX wrap (this is a randomized study)
  • You will be enrolled in CosmetAssure insurance for free—regardless of your randomization group
  • Assuming you meet the study requirements at the 3-month, 1-year, and 2-year time points (e.g., showing up to these appointments, completing surveys, undergoing breast imaging), you will also receive reimbursements totaling $900

Symptoms of capsular contracture include:

  • Breast firmness and tightness: The affected breast may feel hard, tight, or like a ball
  • Pain or discomfort: Pain can range from mild to severe and may be present in the breast, shoulder, or back
  • Distortion of breast shape: The breast may become misshapen, asymmetrical, or appear higher than the other breast
  • Rippling or wrinkling: The skin over the breast may appear wrinkled or rippled
  • Breast asymmetry: One breast may appear larger or smaller than the other
  • Reduced breast mobility: The affected breast may not be as movable as the other breast
  • Implant displacement: In severe cases, the implant may become displaced or even extruded
  • Chest wall pain or discomfort: Pain or discomfort may be present in the chest wall area around the implant

A complimentary consultation with the plastic surgeon in Manhattan, New York with our best in class board certified cosmetic plastic surgeon will help you understand if you qualify for this study. 

Plastic Surgery Institute of New York
590 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10036
(646) 257-2677

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