Capsular Contracture Treatment – Breast Implants Revision Plastic Surgeon Manhattan NYC

Capsular contracture treatment is offered by the best in class NYC plastic surgeon at Body Sculpting Center of NYC (Manhattan, NY), Breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic plastic surgery procedures performed worldwide and is associated with significant patient satisfaction and low complications rates. However, the main long term complication of breast augmentation surgery is “capsular contracture”.

Breast implants are usually made of silicone (a foreign material). The body’s response to having a foreign material placed in the body is to wall the breast implants off in a layer of specialized scar tissue. This is known as a “capsule”. All women with breast implants develop a capsule to a certain degree. Only if the capsule becomes thickened and problematic do we call this a “capsular contracture” or encapsulation.

If you are unsure if you have a capsular contracture the board certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Matthew Delmauro can quickly diagnosis for you.

Explant Surgery Study

Dr. Matthew Delmauro in collaboration with Plastic Surgery Institute of New York is proud to announce that due to his impressive credentials and expertise in breast implant exchanges (explant surgery) he has been selected as the only plastic surgeon in the Northeast currently enrolling participants on behalf of Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) for a GalaFLEX LITE™ Scaffold Study.


  • You will not have to pay for the treatment of your capsular contracture
  • You will not pay operating room fees or anesthesia fees related to your capsular contracture
  • Compensation will be offered
  • The NYC plastic surgeon will remove your current breast implant(s) and replace your breast implants with breast implants that you choose under the guidance of the plastic surgeon
  • This procedure includes removal of the breast implant(s), total capsulectomy (on affected side(s)), and placement of new implant(s) (with or without the GalaFLEX wrap (this is a randomized study)
  • You will be enrolled in CosmetAssure insurance for free—regardless of your randomization group
  • Assuming you meet the study requirements at the 3-month, 1-year, and 2-year time points (e.g., showing up to these appointments, completing surveys, undergoing breast imaging), you will also receive reimbursements totaling $900

Capsular contracture is normally treated with surgery by the NYC plastic surgeon. Primarily, this plastic surgery involves exchanging your breast implants and removal of the capsular contracture. It may also require changing the location of the breast implant, for example, from on top of the muscle (sub-glandular) to below the muscle (sub-pectoral).

If you are diagnosed with a capsular contracture occurs, the plastic surgeon can perform a surgical procedure known as a “capsulectomy” that will remove the affected breast implant and its casing and restore a more pleasing, natural shape to the breast with a breast implant exchange / explant surgery

The procedure is performed under a general anesthetic, with an incision that is made in the most optimal place, either through your previous incision or in a position that minimal scars will be well hidden.

Capsular contracture occurs when scar tissue around breast implant(s) tightens, causing the breasts to feel firm and appear distorted. Symptoms can include:

  • Breast firmness: Breasts feel hard or tight, or feel like a ball
  • Breast shape: Breasts appear distorted, rounded, or misshapen
  • Breast position: Breasts appear to sit higher on the chest
  • Pain: Discomfort or pain, especially when lying on the breasts
  • Asymmetry: One breast may be firmer, higher, or shaped differently than the other
  • Rippling: Wrinkles may be visible on the surface of the breast

At the Body Sculpting Center of NYC (Manhattan, NY) we offer a safe and positive experience to achieve gratifying and long-lasting results, with honesty, integrity, and respect in all that we do. Our top rated, board certified plastic surgeon is known for providing natural-looking results. Our NYC patients enjoy a beautiful private and relaxed environment that fosters personalized patient care and lends itself in every way to the best possible non-surgical and surgical experience.

A complimentary plastic surgery consultation at the Body Sculpting Center of NYC in Manhattan, New York with our best in class board certified cosmetic plastic surgeon will help you understand which treatment is right for you. The sooner you are assessed by our best in class team, the sooner that you can see results! Long-term results are just a phone call or an email away.

As top rated, best in class plastic surgery specialists, the Body Sculpting Center of NYC (Manhattan, NY) provides highly personalized and comprehensive care. If you have any questions about capsular contracture treatments or would like to schedule a free plastic surgery consultation please feel free to contact us:

Body Sculpting Center of NYC
590 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1106
New York, NY 10036
(646) 257-2677

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Body Sculpting Center of NYC
590 Fifth Ave, Suite 1106
New York, NY 10036
Phone: (646) 257-2677